A New Freedom 10 Studies for Groups

These studies give an introduction to the material presented in A New Freedom. They have been created for use in church youth groups and in teen small groups, like a school group. They have been developed with teenagers in mind, though they could also be used by a group of young-at-heart adults or youth leaders. They are inductive in method—designed so that a group of teenagers could run it themselves without an adult leader. They are also adaptable to different-sized groups; a youth group could use them as a term program. 

Each member of the group should have access to a Bible and a copy of the handbook below. Download either for use on a screen (A5) or for printing as an A5 booklet (when printed double-sided landscape on A4, short edge binding, stapled in centre, folded).

Leading a Group

Anyone can lead a group through this material. Being inductive in method, there are no prepared answers. The leader’s role is to organise the group, facilitate discussion, consider timing, prepare additional resources and decide on extra activities where appropriate. If you plan on leading a group through these studies, download and read through the following facilitator notes before each study. There is a reference in the handbook for each comment and activity making it easy to locate in the facilitator notes. These can be printed A4 or used digitally on a device.

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It will be helpful to be well prepared to facilitate discussion and move the group through the material. It is recommended that the facilitator read through the corresponding chapter in the book A New Freedom in preparation for each study. Alternatively, the whole group could read through the chapter before or after doing each study.

All the resources referred to in the notes are downloadable from this site via the links provided in the facilitator notes.